
Dangers of brinksmanship: On India and the Taiwan Strait crisis

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Dangers of brinksmanship: On India and the Taiwan Strait crisis

  • The recent shooting down of a Chinese drone by Taiwan’s military has marked a new phase in the already simmering tensions across the Taiwan Strait.

Chinese assertiveness

  • China’s military is carrying out unprecedented military drills surrounding Taiwan.
  • Some manoeuvres crossed the median of the Taiwan Strait.
  • Chinese military is also asserting Beijing’s territorial claims by sending drones into Taiwan’s airspace.

India’s stand

  • Most countries, including India, have preferred to stay out of the Taiwan issue
  • Reasons: One China Policy and already complicated relations with China.
  • But eventually, they will need to assess the implications to their own security interests of a serious crisis.
  • Taiwan holds a crucial position in the global semiconductor industry.
  • India’s recent reference to the “militarisation” of the strait is not a reflection of a major change in its approach.
  • However, India has shown greater willingness to engage with Taiwan in the economic realm.
  • India can cooperate with Taiwan in setting up an alternative base for semiconductor manufacturing in India.

Prelims Takeaway

  • Semiconductors
  • One China Policy
  • Location based questions
