
Need for climate-smart agriculture in India

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Need for climate-smart agriculture in India

  • The two most important issues facing humanity in the 21st century are climate change and food insecurity.

Need for Reforms in Agriculture

  • Climate change, through factors like heat waves, floods, and droughts, is affecting global food production and farmers’ livelihoods.
  • The demand for food is increasing due to population growth and dietary changes, adding pressure on agricultural systems.
  • As a result of climate change, traditional farming practices are becoming less productive.
  • There is a need for a radical reform in the agriculture industry to sustainably increase production.

Climate Smart Agriculture: A viable option

  • The Food and Agriculture Organization said in 2019
    • Climate-smart agriculture is an approach for transforming food and agriculture systems to support sustainable development and safeguard food security under climate change.
  • Climate-smart agriculture focuses on three pillars viz.
    • Increasing agricultural productivity and incomes
    • Adapting and building resilience to climate change
    • Reducing or removing greenhouse gas emissions, where possible
  • CSA is more of a flexible concept with a wide range of potential applications.

Climate Change Challenges

  • Climate change is affecting agricultural productivity, leading to a decline in crop yields.
  • In India, crop yield decline due to climate change is estimated to be as high as 9% by 2039.

Importance of Climate-smart agriculture

  • It provides a holistic approach to transform food and agriculture systems, addressing sustainability and food security under climate change.
  • It includes practices such as water-smart, weather-smart, energy-smart and carbon-smart practices.
  • They improve productivity, deal with land degradation, and improve soil health.
  • CSA promotes crop diversification, water efficiency, and the integration of drought-resistant crops, reducing the disruptive effects of climate change.
  • Also, CSA causes a dramatic change in farming communities’ economic and social structure by distributing information and providing access to climate-resilient methods.

Community-supported efforts

  • CSA is gaining recognition globally, with an increase in community-supported agriculture efforts.
  • These efforts aim to create resilient and environmentally friendly agricultural systems, incorporating agroforestry, sustainable water management, and precision agriculture.

Role in Biodiversity Conservation

  • CSA's ecosystem-based approach and diverse crop varieties contribute to biodiversity conservation by promoting coexistence between cropland and wild areas.
  • It helps protect native plant species, maintain stable pollinator populations, and mitigate habitat degradation.

Reducing GHG Emissions

  • The agricultural sector contributes significantly to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
    • The sector’s share in GHG’s emissions in 2018 was 17%.
  • CSA implementation is crucial for lowering GHG emissions and enhancing farmland carbon storage.
  • It aligns with global goals, such as the Paris Agreement, to combat climate change.

Unique Juncture for India

  • India, with a large population of small and marginal farmers, is at a unique juncture where CSA adoption is essential.
  • CSA can play a significant role in helping them increase their profits.

Government Initiatives

  • The National Action Plan on Climate Change emphasises the role of climate-resilient agriculture in India’s adaptation measures.
  • National Innovation on Climate Resilient Agriculture, Soil Health Mission, Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana, Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana, Biotech-KISAN, and Climate Smart Village are a few examples of government initiatives in India focusing on CSA.
    • For e.g. Soil Health Card Scheme uses precision nutrient management to optimise agricultural methods.
  • Various public and private sector entities such as farmer-producer organisations and NGOs are also working towards the adoption of CSA.


  • CSA has the potential to assure food security, empower farmers and protect our delicate ecosystems.
  • It merges innovation, resilience, and sustainability, providing inspiration for a sustainable future in the face of climate change.
